
How We Get There

The Path to Your Financial Freedom

‘Where do I start?’ This is a common question for anyone who wishes to take action for their financial freedom.

Check out how we help.

The ‘Secrets of Wealth and Success Advice’ Model

People who build great wealth and become successful financially have a few common traits.

While working with wealthy clients for over a decade, I’ve discovered their secrets to financial success and incorporated them into my advice model.

Path to Your Financial Freedom
Inner Game Of Money

Inner Game of Money

Why do some people seem to easily build wealth while others seem destined for a life of financial struggles? If your subconscious ‘money blueprint’ is not set for success, nothing you know, learn and invest in will make much of a difference.

Advisers who help their clients understand their money blueprint—and who re-script self-limiting money beliefs and behaviours—can help you grow your wealth more effectively. Find out more information from the blog article – ‘Your Money Blueprint’.

Financial Strategies

When people discuss the topic of financial planning, most spend too much time focussing on wealth accumulation. However, wealth protection, wealth preservation and wealth distribution are also main components of financial planning.

Download our E-book – ‘The Ultimate Financial Health Checklist” to identify the gaps in your current financial situation.

Financial Strategies
Action Plans

Action plans

Filling the gap between where you are now and where you want to be is an ongoing process. A financial plan provides you with a road map. However, financial plans alone benefit no one, unless they are implemented.

The barrier between you and the life you are capable of living is the lack of consistent actions directed towards your goals. Working with a financial planner means you are no longer alone, and you will take consistent steps on the right path.

Good money management habits

Our daily habits contribute to our success and failure. Building wealth is not an exception.

Your money blueprint, your daily spending and saving habits, and the actions you take to improve your finances can make or break your financial success.

When you have more good daily habits than bad habits, your finances improve and you will be more successful in your life.

Good Money Management Habits
Success And Happiness From Being Financially Free

Success and happiness come from being financially free

Money itself has no meaning. You have to give it meaning.

For some people, true meaning and happiness comes from taking care of loved ones, contributing to the community, and leaving a legacy.

People who utilise their money to deepen and enhance these meanings,  maximise the benefit of money and live a full, happy life.

Our Advice Process

Discovery meeting

Your first meeting with a prospective financial adviser is the starting point for your financial planning journey. That first meeting gives both you and the adviser the opportunity to gauge whether you are the right fit for each other. We take our time to understand our prospective client’s dreams, aspirations and goals, and to answer all of your questions and address your concerns.

You know that you need someone to help you, so you need to feel that you have found the right person when you walk out of that first meeting.

Path to Your Financial Freedom
Path to Your Financial Freedom

Client commitment meeting

After the discovery meeting, we develop appropriate recommendations, and at a second meeting we explain our strategies that will help you achieve your goals and aspirations.

Our agreement is formalised at this second meeting, and we will then start working on your plan – your Statement of Advice (SOA).

Strategy meeting

You can expect this third meeting to be more tactical. We will recommend detailed strategies and products in the form of an advice document – the SOA.

If you decide to accept the adviser’s recommendations, we will help you to implement the plan, which may take up to a few months.

Path to Your Financial Freedom
Path to Your Financial Freedom

Initial progress meeting

This meeting will help you understand where we are up to in implementing your plan. We will also answer any questions and concerns you may have.

Regular progress meetings

Depending on the life stage you are in and the complexity of your financial plan, you may decide to have regular progress meetings annually, half-yearly or more often.

Don’t forget that a big part of an advisor’s role is to keep you on track and accountable. Find out more information from this blog article – How to start your journey with a financial adviser?

Path to Your Financial Freedom

Your Money Blueprint

Why do some people seem to easily build wealth while others seem destined for a life of struggle with money? If your subconscious ‘money blueprint’ is not set for success, nothing you know, learn and invest in will make much of a difference.

Download a Copy of Your Money Blueprint

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The Ultimate Financial Health Checklist

The Complete Financial Health Checklist – More than just a list, it’s the foundation of your financial roadmap. If you’re someone who doesn’t know where to start, this checklist provides all the answers you need.

Download a Copy of The Ultimate Financial Health Checklist

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