

Financial Adviser Woolloongabba

Helen Nan

Financial Adviser, Author and Founder of Compound Freedom

Thank you for visiting my website and taking an interest in my journey to becoming a financial adviser.

I was born in China. My parents are educated professionals, but financial literacy just wasn’t part of their curricula. Throughout their marriage they acquired liabilities they thought were assets, and constantly struggled on the earning/spending treadmill. Of course, they didn’t have any financial plan and spent most of their money on lifestyle and their children’s education. They sent me to finish my studies in Australia, and expected me to study hard, get a degree then a secure job, as most Asian parents hope for their kids.

After I moved to Australia, I stayed with my student homestay mum for years. At that time, she was in her sixties and I remember her financial plan. Every Saturday evening, she poured herself a glass of wine and waited for her Lotto number to be called on TV, dreaming about how she would spend the winnings. She never won the big prize, but she won a small prize occasionally, just enough to encourage her to keep buying more tickets.

These are the main money messages I learned from both my Chinese parents and Aussie mum. When I was studying at uni, I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’. This book opened my eyes to the world of wealth and I wanted to learn more about money management and investing. That was the main reason I got into the financial planning industry. Most people, like me, don’t grow up with a “how-to” money manual, so it’s our responsibility to empower and educate others with knowledge and skills that we have learned along the way.

After more than 11 years in this industry, I realised the role of a financial adviser is no longer just to be an investment expert. We actually wear many hats and serve our clients as an educator, coach, mentor, catalyst and project manager in their lives.

My greatest satisfaction as an adviser comes from helping my clients enjoy their journey, not just their destination, by working with them as they plan the life they want, not just the placement of their money. I want them to look back over their lives after 20 or 30 years, and enjoy the many positive experiences that have happened along the way.

I look forward to meeting you and being part of your journey.

  • Certified Financial Planner
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Accounting
  • Diploma of Financial Planning
  • Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning
  • Accredited Listed Product Adviser Program
  • Ethics and Professionalism in Financial Advice
  • Self-Managed Super Funds
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What Our Clients Say

I found out about Helen from the Australian newspaper. I was reading an article on finances and financial advice. A number of financial advisors were mentioned in the article and all gave commentary, but I was drawn to Helen’s sensible commentary. The financial plan she prepared for me has given me a solid plan toward financial freedom at the age of 65. It is simple to follow strategy, plan for your future and help me get control of my finances. Helen is a methodical and attentive advisor. She assesses your risk appetite before making suggestions. Her book is worth reading- she keeps it simple without too much financial jargon.

Richard Brough
IT director

I have known and sought advice from Helen for the last 7 years. When I met Helen, we primarily discussed the fragmented funds I had in various places and plan for retirement by the age of 65 and not 67 for my age group. Helen advised me to reduce my work hours gradually and ease into retirement and make additional contributions to my super fund. This will enable me to have the required funds into retirement. She has managed to consolidate and advise the best strategy for retirement to suit my lifestyle. Helen is available via phone/email and will promptly answer concerns/issues that you may have. She is a very approachable and active listener and I am happy and feel very confident to recommend Helen as a financial planner.

Vinod Mistry
Self-funded retiree

Helen has been looking after my finances now for 5 years.  I have never felt safer than when in her hands.  She has given me advice when I wasn’t sure about something & explained it in a way I could understand!   Thank you Helen!  I appreciate everything you do for me!

Helen Miller

Under the careful guidance of Helen, I restructured my assets mix for maximizing wealth building within a risk profile that I felt comfortable with and in addition, these assets could be geared to be nimble and agile to deal with life’s inevitable challenges.  My motto has always been plan for the worst, but hope for the best.

Bob Cotton
Self-funded retiree

Personal finance book | Your Best Life

Written more like a novel than a self-help guide, Your Best Life is designed to walk you through the journey of financial planning.