
Personal Finance Book | 'Your Best Life' - Second Edition Available now

Money management isn’t as hard as you might think once you have a financial blueprint in place. In this book, you’ll learn financial planning strategies and frameworks from several relatable real-life stories. Are you ready to step off the earning and spending treadmill and live the life of your dreams? This book shows you:

  • The real reason you struggle with money – the inner game of money – and secrets to change your financial future.
  • Various strategies for creating a money-making machine for financial freedom, minimising tax, and avoiding permanent loss, even in the worst market conditions.
  • How to protect your family and your wealth from unforeseen events and crises, and strategies for recovering from them as quickly as you can.
  • How to achieve your best retirement by accumulating sufficient assets and maximising retirement income to make your money last.
  • How to apply true meaning to your money and live your life fully and happily.

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This is a great book for people who want to understand and start to take charge of their finances. Sensible advice that almost every young Australian could benefit from.

Neil Kendall
Certified Financial Planner, Managing director of Tupicoffs, former FPA Chair

Helen has written an easy-to-read, practical book about a subject that can be confusing and complicated… money. Take the time to invest in yourself and your future by reading this illuminating book.

Keith Abraham CSP
multi-award-winning keynote speaker, 5-time bestselling author

What’s inside this book?


Chapter 1: Where have you been?
At Richard and Lisa’s first meeting with Mia, their new financial adviser, they discover their money blueprint and personality, which shape their current reality. Understanding that your attitude towards money and the environment you grew up in influence your financial future, provides a good starting point for planning your financial journey.

Chapter 2: Where are you now?
Your net savings and net worth define where you stand today financially. Have you ever asked yourself why you are on an earning–spending treadmill? You will find the answers and possible solutions in this chapter.

Chapter 3: What do you want in your life?
The five goal-setting steps in this chapter help you to look into your heart to discover your real desires and dreams. Once you have an emotional connection with your goals, you become committed to starting to design your ideal life.

Chapter 4: How to protect your wealth
Financial planning is based on the assumption of earning an income on an ongoing basis. Protecting your income from unforeseen events such as illness, injury, and even death, is the foundation of securing your financial future. In this chapter, you will learn how to build adequate protection that navigates the storms in your life.

Chapter 5: How to build wealth
Investment is a combination of art and science. This chapter introduces how to build a money-making machine to achieve financial freedom, and reveals tips to manage different investment risks. Building wealth is not as complicated as you think. It’s simple, but it is not necessarily easy if you don’t apply the basics.

Chapter 6: One size doesn’t fit all
Investing with borrowed money multiplies the returns, but it also magnifies the risks. Carefully assess if it is the right strategy for you before you invest with borrowed money, and prepare exit strategies for the worst-case scenario. This chapter also tells us why it is essential for women to plan their finance independently, and how they can do that.

Chapter 7: Your best retirement
A comfortable retirement is one of the biggest financial goals for most Australians. How much do you need to have a comfortable retirement and how do you manage the different risk factors at retirement to make money last? This chapter covers what action you need to take to prepare for retirement and on to the stage where you need aged care (for yourself or your family).

Chapter 8: The ongoing journey
Execution is the key to your financial success, and a good plan requires consistent action toward your goals. Life transitions can be intimidating and unexpected. This chapter shows you how a financial adviser keeps you on track and accountable, and helps you prepare for the worst, so you can adapt to new ways of living quickly.

Chapter 9: Estate planning
Leaving a legacy means not only passing on your assets but also passing down your values and stories to your loved ones. This chapter shows you the different arrangements you need to make to reflect your core values and ensure your final intentions.

Chapter 10: Advice processes and the value of advice
This chapter explains how you can get the most out of your journey with a trusted adviser, using the adviser’s expertise and skills to help you design your dream life. It is difficult to understand the value of advice until you experience it.

Chapter 11: Planning to live the dream
Financial confusion is one of the most significant blocks to living life on your own terms. This chapter shows you how Richard and Lisa eventually achieve the freedom they crave, as well as the steps to take to design your dream life.

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