
A 90-day Financial Plan for living a life of freedom

All the secret strategies financial advisers use are all revealed – plus we help you build a system and take immediate action to achieve your financial freedom.


A recent study released by research firm, Investment Trend, notes that an estimated 1.8 million Australians (less than 10% of the Australian population) invest in and apply financial advice.

When financial security and independence are increasingly imperative, why such a small number? Two in five Australians say financial advice is not affordable. Others never take that shot and plan their financial future. They leave everything to chance. For many, fear of taking action comes from not knowing how to start. 

In this online course, you will access and learn:

  • All the strategies financial advisers use, with step-by-step formula so you can learn and take action immediately
  • The secret mindset of those who build great wealth and leave a legacy
  • Case studies, investment research tools, and calculators to help you build assets generating sufficient passive income for your financial freedom and grow your wealth in perpetuity
  • A week-to-week and step-by-step action plan to develop your own financial plan in 90 days  

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This is a great book for people who want to understand and start to take charge of their finances. Sensible advice that almost every young Australian could benefit from.

Neil Kendall
Certified Financial Planner, Managing director of Tupicoffs, former FPA Chair

Helen has written an easy-to-read, practical book about a subject that can be confusing and complicated… money. Take the time to invest in yourself and your future by reading this illuminating book.

Keith Abraham CSP
multi-award-winning keynote speaker, 5-time bestselling author

Outline of the course

Part 1: Understand the basics of money management

Where are you sitting in a financial pyramid? 

Have you ever wondered why you are stuck financially? After studying this topic, you will understand the real problem with your money management abilities, and how to move to a higher level of the financial pyramid. 

Your Inner Game of Money 

If your subconscious ‘money blueprint’ is not set for success, nothing you know, learn and invest in will make much of a difference. After studying this topic, you will learn what makes up a poor money blueprint that holds you back, and how to create a rich money blueprint. 

Are your dreams too small? 

People normally struggle to articulate what they want in life. Some of them don’t even dare to dream. This topic covers how to discover your deeper desires, build goals around your dreams and turn them into numbers, and achieve them as all successful people do.

Bleeding money

Every great financial plan begins with budgeting. But most of us get it so wrong! 

Budgeting is not intended to restrict spending or make you count pennies. It is to generate more income in the future. Let’s learn how to create wealth by going from spending more than you earn to saving up to 40% of your income.  

Part 2: Financial wellbeing (strategies financial advisers would recommend)

How to pay off your debts quicker

Debts can be good, bad, or tolerable. In this module, I will show you how to easily save your first home deposit in less than two years with a low or medium-income; how to save more than $150,000 in interest over the years with an average mortgage and how to pay off your mortgage six years earlier.

Protect yourself from the worst 

Insurance is one thing we buy and hope we never need. The worst scenario is having insurance and finding you cannot claim what you had thought you could. At the end of this module, you will learn how to set up adequate protection to protect your loved one and ensure you have the right insurance in place for claims. 

Leave a legacy 

You will never have a second chance to make a last impression. We all want to leave a legacy, not a mess, for our loved ones, but it is not always that simple. 

This module covers all the necessary steps you need to take to pass down not only your assets but your value and your story to the next generation, so you prevent your hard-earned money from flowing into someone else’s pocket. 

Investing your money 

This module reveals why people can lose money from their investments, and includes five simple strategies used by all successful investors. 

It includes research tools, calculators, and step-by-step procedures to take to open an investment account, so you can start investing right now, even if you have never invested a single dollar before. 


Super is too complex to understand? Maybe. In this module , you will find out how a couple with an average income accumulates $2M in superannuation in 20 years. 

It also covers how to use super to buy a first home, get free money from the government, reduce your income tax and map out your eventual worry-free retirement. 

Part 3: Financial Freedom (Financial wellbeing is not enough? Let’s look into this.) 

Invest with borrowed money 

Leveraging is the most powerful wealth-building strategy, but it comes with increased risk. How can you take calculated risks, not irrational ones, with backup plans to maximize your investment returns to achieve your financial freedom faster? You will find all the answers here. 


Tax effective investment 

Can you avoid paying tax at all? It’s possible. This module reveals how to pay zero tax on your investment by having a tax-advantaged structure. That’s why high-net-worth clients pay so many fees to their financial advisers. 

Financial Freedom 

How much money do you need to be financially free? This module covers how to calculate your numbers and achieve your financial freedom and grow your wealth in perpetuity.

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